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Quadratic simultaneous equations

Quadratic simultaneous equations

A walkthrough of how to solve simultaneous equations where one is linear and the other is quadratic. There is also a starter getting students to practise thier factorising.
Adding and Subtracting Decimals Worksheet

Adding and Subtracting Decimals Worksheet

Nothing fancy, starter has pupils practising addition and subtraction using any method they know, extention asks students to write out instructions and some questions for someone who wasn't in the lesson. Hope you find it useful
Ordering fractions

Ordering fractions

Starter has equivalnce and LCM, main is ordering fractions. Extention is converting fractions to decimals, may be tricky for some groups as not all fractions convert nicely.
GCSE Reverse Percentage PowerPoint

GCSE Reverse Percentage PowerPoint

A GCSE PowerPoint showing how to use multipliers to increase and decrease amounts as well as find original prices. There are some questions for students too. Hope you find this useful.
Nth term worksheet

Nth term worksheet

An nth term worksheet with starter questions on substitution and basic algebra. Please let me know what you think.
Surface area of cubes and cuboids worksheet

Surface area of cubes and cuboids worksheet

Maths worksheet suitable for KS3 and KS4. Calculating surface Area (cubes and cuboids). Objective: to be able to find the surface area of cubes and cuboids. Classwork or homework simple worksheet for find the surface area of cubes and cuboids, extention activity asking students to find the dimensions for a given surface area, and some simple starter questions for a settler. Let me know what you think.
X and Y intercept quiz

X and Y intercept quiz

Ten multiple choice questions where pupils have to find the x and y intercept of different equations. Nice as a starter or plenary
KS3 Maths Ratio worksheet

KS3 Maths Ratio worksheet

KS3 Maths Worksheet. Homework or Classwork. Objective: to be able to simplify ratios and share amounts by a given ratio A worksheet for simplifying and sharing with ratios. Starter has division practice, HCF recap and finding fractions of amounts. There is an extention exercise too. Please let me know what you think
Counting in 2s Worksheet

Counting in 2s Worksheet

A worksheet i made for a girl in my class for her to work through with her TA. Includes odds and evens and a game at the end. Its aimed at just under level one
Quadratic Sequences Super Sheet

Quadratic Sequences Super Sheet

This my attempt to create a sheet that ticks all the boxes. The sheet includes: Literacy section with key words and definitions Write on the sheet starter Lesson objective (The above a set in a box to allow pupils to cut out and stick these into their book) Three sets of questions to aid differentiation by task rather than outcome A set of extension questions Plenary questions to check understanding Homework questions (differentiated) Additional info on how to check if answers are correct and where this skill would be used in real life. Coloured background and step by step instructions to help support SEND pupils. This sheet is on finding the nth term of quadratic sequences.