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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Saint Nicodemus

Saint Nicodemus

Saint Nicodemus is mentioned 3 times in St. John’s Gospel. He is not mentioned in the synoptic gospels of Matthew. Mark or Luke. He visits Jesus one night to discuss Jesus’ teaching. Here he is referred to as being a prominent leader among the Jews John ch 3 v 1. He is mentioned when Jesus faced the Sanhedrin. Here he is referred to as being a ruler and Pharisee. John ch 7 After Jesus’ crucifixion he provided the customary spices for anointing the dead when he assists Joseph of Arimathea in preparing the body of Jesus for burial - John ch.19. H e was a Pharisee , a ruler and a member of the Sanhedrin. Although there is no explicit mention of him as a follower or disciple of Jesus in the New Testament he is considered to be a secret disciple of Jesus by both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches based on the narrative of John ch 19.
Thomas Walsh (1730-1759)

Thomas Walsh (1730-1759)

Thomas was born at Ballylin, near Limerick, Ireland in 1730. Aged 19 he heard the true Gospel preached for the first time from a travelling Methodist preacher on the streets of Limerick on St Patrick’s day. After a period of terrible internal wrestling he experienced a mighty conversion. He soon joined the Methodists, He began to preach when he was only 20. He died at the young age of 28. In those 8 years he contributed greatly to the spread of Methodism in Ireland. The peasants flocked to hear their own but touching language. He went like a flame of fire preaching twice or thrice a day, usually in the open air. He became famous throughout the country. John Wesley in 1753 called him to London. He said I do not remember ever to have known such a preacher who in so few years as he remained on earth, was the instrument of converting so many people. He was a biblical linguist -especially in Hebrew and Greek Such a master of Biblical Knowledge never saw before and never expect to see again. John Wesley He burned the candle at both ends -through his preaching, intense study, habitual absorption and excessive labour that fatigue broke him down. He died with words of rapture on his lips - April 8th 1759 Sources Wikipedia iLimerick City Church
Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival is celebrated all over the world. The very first sheet can used to introduce a lesson on Harvest Festival, or even part of an assembly. The next sheet, a ‘comic’ clip, will work well with younger children. There is a diary and poetry aid with a ‘blank sheet’ for best copy. There is a simple word search with two anagram sheets. There is a also a sheet looking at the word’ harvest’ three different ways and an answer sheet. Children are often asked to see how many words they can find in a word. This I have done separately for both Harvest and Festival - there are so many words! Children can either look for the words and create their own crossword (many answers included) or instead, using the word list answer the crossword sheets.
St. David's Day, March 1st

St. David's Day, March 1st

St David is the patron saint of Wales. I have included a page from Wikipedia. There is an information sheet about St. David followed by two large font sheets containing basic information .There are two pieces of gap work (differentiated), a crossword which needs a picture answer, a word search, information about the Welsh flag and the Union Jack, plus diary ideas with a blank for their diary. These sheets should keep the children interested on St. David’s day - a mixture of different things to do. The extra two pages are the b/w front and back cover for the whole series Four Wise Men. for them to colour.
Transport  Cars and Lorries

Transport Cars and Lorries

I have put together some phrase/vocabulary sheets about cars and big wheelers. Plus phrase/vocabulary sheets and answer examples for eyewitness and car accident (former SATS type questions). There are some clip art sheets for ‘best’ copy. There is also a crossword/word search sheet with answers There are four colour sheets showing cars and lorries.
Theresa Kachindmoto (born c.1959)

Theresa Kachindmoto (born c.1959)

Theresa is the paramount chief , or Inkosi, of the Dedza District in the central region of Malawi. She was the youngest of 12 siblings.She married and had children- all boys. Theresa for 27 years worked as a secretary for the College of Zambia District in southern Malawi. In 2003 the chiefs of the district chose her to be the next senior chief of the district, a district of 900, 000 people… She found that there were high rates of child marriage in her district- children aged 7 and upwards. She could not persuade parents to change their views but was able to convince community leaders to change the civil code to ban early marriages. 50 sub-chiefs agreed to abolish early marriage and annul existing unions. In 2015 a law was passed which prevented marriage before 18. But the constitution and customary law administered by traditional authorities still said children could still marry if the parents agreed. By 2019 she had managed to have over 3,500 early marriages annulled. She is now working to raise the legal age in Mallawi to 21. Her actions have brought her international recognition. UN Women and UNICEF plan to work with traditional leaders elsewhere to replicate the best practices of Theresa. Educate a girl and you educate the whole area- You educate the world Theresa Kachindamoto Sources used Wikipedia Herstory by Katherine Hallidan
Empress Wu Zetian  (634 - 705)

Empress Wu Zetian (634 - 705)

Empress Wu Zetian was China’s first and only female ruler She was de facto ruler of the Tang dynasty from 665-705, ruling first through others as empress consort for her husband Emperor Gaozong and then their sons Emperors Zhongzong and Ruizong ,and then (from 690) as empress dowager in her own right. Under her 40 year reign China grew larger, becoming one of the great powers of the world, its culture and economy were revitalized and corruption in the court was reduced. She was removed from power in a coup and died a few months later. As a 14 year old the bright and beautiful Wu Zetian was noticed by Emperor Taizong and became his concubine…She soon had considerable political power After his death she married his ninth son and successor, Emperor Gaozong. After their wedding In 655 she became the empress consort- the highest ranking of the wives. She was a strong,charismatic , vengeful, ambitious and well-educated women who enjoyed the absolute affection of her husband. In 660 Gaozong suffered a stroke and in 665 she became administrator of the court a position equal to the emperors. (He died in 683) She was at the helm of the country for long years, her power is no different from that of the emperor. Sources Wikipedia Herstory by Katherine Halligan
Mirabai  (c.1498- c,1547)

Mirabai (c.1498- c,1547)

Meera, better known as Mirabai and venerated as Sant Meerabai, was a 16th century Hindu mystic poet and devotee of Krishna. Aged 3 she was given a little Mira, a doll of Sri Krishna, by a wandering religious man. She decided then to follow Sri Krishna for the rest of her life. She has been the subject of numerous folk tales and hagiographic l.egends. It is widely acknowledged that Mirabai dedicated her life to Krishna, composing song of devotion and was one of the most important poet-saint of the Bhakti movement period. Some Hindu temples are dedicated to her memory. Sources Wikipedia Herstory by Katherine Halligan
Frida Kahlo (1907-1954)  Mexican Painter

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) Mexican Painter

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderon was a Mexican painter known for her many portraits, 55 were self portraits and the other 88 works inspired by nature and artifacts of Mexico. She used a naive folk art style to explore questions of identity, postcolonialism, gender, class and race in Mexican Society. Her paintings often had strong autobiographical elements and mixed realism with fantasy. Aged 6 she got polio- afterwards she walked with a limp. Her father encouraged her to play football swim and wrestle to strengthen her body. Aged 18 Frida was very seriously injured. She nearly died when a bus crashed into a tram and a metal smashed right through her body… Bored after months recovering she began to paint again. Her father helped by hanging a mirror over her bed so she could paint a portrait of herself of while lying down… She loved animals and she had many pets who brightened her life. She married Diego Rivera a famous Mexican artist. Her injuries meant they were unable to have children. Many of her painting were inspired by her sadness about it. Diego became jealous when Frida also became famous. They divorced in 1939 and got married again in 1940 As she grew in fame and popularity her health grew worse. She had over 30 operations in her lifetime and lived in constant pain. She lost the battle with pneumonia and died at the age of 47. She has become more popular than her paintings. She is admired for her creativity, her bravery and for following her heart. 55 self portraits -I paint myself because I am so often alone, and because I am the subject I know best - Frida Kahl (She often painted herself as harsh and unattractive with heavy eyebrows and a moustache). Sources used Wikipedia Herstory ** by Katherine Halligan
Rain and Storms

Rain and Storms

A vocabulary and poetry aid about rain and storms. Illustrations by David Woodroffe. Rain can create floods. Rain plus snow can create serious flooding
Women's Football 4 greats  Amandine, Marta, Mia & Nadine

Women's Football 4 greats Amandine, Marta, Mia & Nadine

Women’s football has taken off in an enormous way in 2022. These 4 women were there at the beginning. 4 wikipedia profiles Amandine Henry French b. 1989 known as The conqueror Marta Viera da Silva Brazilian b.1986 known asThe Brazilian pear**** Mia Hamm American b 1972 known asWoman with the golden feet** Nadine Angerer German b.1978 known as The invincible These 4 are included in Fantastic Footballers 40 inspiring icons written by Jean-Michel Billiou a WIde Eyed publication
Narnia  - multiple choice questions for The Lion, Witch & the Wardrobe

Narnia - multiple choice questions for The Lion, Witch & the Wardrobe

I have created 15 pages of multiple choice questions, with a few homophones, on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe which I hope will prove useful. In June 2022 I began tutoring a 10 year old English 11+ work. I decided to introduce her to the Narnia stories for the comprehension work. To encourage the child to read I took the famous The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and decided to create some multiple choice work. I have very much linked the work to the book so most of the answers are to be found on the page references I have given to most of the questions. The child was set the homework of reading a chapter(s) and in the tutorial answering the questions - using the page reference as an aid if required. I also wrote the material in TES for T’he Chronicles of Narnia - short crosswords with word search- which has been very well received. Where it says see special sheet it is referring to that material.
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis, Clive Staple Lewis, Jack to his friends wrote more than 30 books. He is most famous for his The Chronicles of Narnia, a series of seven books written for children. The children visit the magical land of Narnia where Aslan, the Lion reigns. He takes the Pevensie children on a series of adventures where good eventually always over comes evil. To go with the series I have created seven sets of crosswords and word searches, answers included. HarperCollinspublishers have produced an excellent pop-up book to go with the series of seven books - Narnia Chronology -from the Archives of the Last King. ISBN 9780061240058 Wlkiepedia has a great deal of information about C.S. Lewis - biography notes and detailed book summaries (2 levels) about each of the books.
Alcuin of York (c.735-804)

Alcuin of York (c.735-804)

Alcuin, also known as Ealhwine, Alhwin or Alchoin was a scholar, poet and teacher from York, Northumbria. He became the student of Archbishop Ecgbert. He was a court chancellor in Aachen. At the invitation of Charlemagne he became a leading scholar and teacher at the Carolingian court in France. H e graduated to become a teacher during the 750s. He became the head at York school (now St.Peter’s) where he revived trivium (grammar/rhetoric/logic) and quadrivium disciplines and wrote a codex on the trivium. He became a deacon but was never ordained. In 781 he was sent to Rome by King Elfwald. On his way home he met Charlemagne. who persuaded him to join his court. He joined an illustrious group of scholars. He later wrote the Lord was calling me to the service of King Charles. He became master of the Palace School of Charlemagne. He taught Charlemagne (782-790), his sons Pepin and Louis as well as young men sent to be educated at court and young clerics attached to the palace. He brought with him his assistants from York and revolutionised the educational standards of the school. It became known as the school of Master Albinus (Alcuin’s nickname) In 790 he returned to York for a short time. He failed to influence King AEtheired so he returned to the Carolingian court. He never went back to York , In 796, now in his 60’s, he hoped to retire from court instead Marmoutier Abbey was put into his care by Charlemagne - who could call on him for advice. Alcuin encouraged the monks there to use beautiful Carolingian minuscule script. Carolingian minuscule - using a mixture of upper and lower-case letters - was perfected and restored to purity of the form. by Alcuin. He stayed at the abbey until his death on 19th May 804. According to Einhard’s* Life of Charlemagne* he was considered among the most important intellectual architects of the Carolingian Renaissance. Source Wikipedia
Alain de Lille (c.1128-c.1202)  French theologian and poet

Alain de Lille (c.1128-c.1202) French theologian and poet

Alan of Lille was a French theologian and poet. He is sometimes called Alanus de Montepessulano. He was born in Lille sometime before 1128. His exact date of his death is also unclear - research suggests between 14 April 1202 and 5 April 1203. Although he was widely known during his lifetime there is not a great deal known about his personal life. He had a very widespread reputation during his lifetime and his knowledge caused him to be called Doctor Universalis. As a theologian he was opposed to scholasticism in the second half of the 12th century. He claimed in order to understand religious truth and to know God,the wise must believe in faith. His philosophy was a mixture of Aristotelian logic and Neoplatonic philosophy. The is a long list of works attributed to him (See List of known works) but there are several Alains so it is uncertain how many of the works listed are actually his. Notable works actually written by him include*The Plaint of Nature, Anticlaudiamus and the Art of Preaching. Source Wikipedia
Albertus Magnus -St. Albert the Great (c.1200-1280)

Albertus Magnus -St. Albert the Great (c.1200-1280)

Albert of Cologne ( known under 3 names) was a German Dominican friar, philosopher, scientist and bishop. An encounter with the Blessed Virgin Mary convinced him to enter Holy Orders. In 1223 or 1229 and he became a member of the Dominican Order. He lectured in Cologne, Regensburg, Freiburg, Strasburg and Hildesheim. He became a full time professor at th e University of Paris holding the seat of the Chair of Theology at the college of St. James. Thomas Aquinas was one of his students. In 1254 he was made provincial of the Dominican Order and fulfilled the duties of the office with great care and efficiency. In 1258 he sorted out the* der Grofie Schied*- the big verdict- to sort out the conflict between the citizens of Cologne and the archbishop. In 1260 Pope Alexander IV made him bishop of Rogensburg. To enhance his reputation for humility, and in accord with the dictates of the his Order, he refused to ride a horse, he walked his huge diocese on foot. In 1263 Pope Urban IV asked him to preach the eighth Crusade in German speaking countries. He became known as a mediator between conflicting parties. He founded Cologne University, German’s oldest university. In 1274 he grieved when his former student Thomas Aquinas died. In 1278 he became ill and died on 15th November 1280. He was possibly 87 when he died. During his life time he studied many different subjects. For the breadth of his achievements he was bestowed the name Doctor Universalis. His knowledge of natural science was considerable for the age and remarkably accurate. In 1899 his writing were collected and went to 38 volumes. Scholars have referred to Albert as the greatest German philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. In 1931 the Catholic Church distinguished him as one of the 37 Doctors of the Church ). Source Wikipedia
John Alcock (c.1430-1500) English Bishop

John Alcock (c.1430-1500) English Bishop

John Alcock was born in Beverley, Yorkshire.and educated at Cambridge University. His greatest achievement was the building of Jesus College, Cambridge which he established on the site of the former Convent of St. Radegund. He made a rapid rise in both the church and the state. 1461 he was made dean of St. Stephen’s Chapel , Westminster. 1462 was made Master of the Rolls. 1470 he was sent as ambassador to the Crown Court of Castile. 1472 8th January, nominated to see at Rochester 15th March, consecrated Bishop of Rochester 1476 15th July, transferred to see of Worcester 1486 6th October, moved to see at Ely H e was the first president of the Council of the Marches in Wales from 1473-1500. H e was Lord Chancellor twice in 1475 and 1485/7. On 7th November 1485 he opened King Henry VII’s Parliament. He was also tutor to Edward V. John was one of the leading pre-Reformation divines. He was a a man of deep learning and had great proficiency restoring many churches and colleges as an architect. Source Wikipedia
Saint Piran (  died  c.480)         Cornish abbot and saint   Feast Day  5th March

Saint Piran ( died c.480) Cornish abbot and saint Feast Day 5th March

Saint Piran was a 5th century Cornish abbot and saint, possibly of Irish origin. He is the patron saint of tin-miners and generally regarded as the patron saint of Cornwall. He was reportedly executed by Theodoric or Tador, King of Cornwall in 480 AD. His feast day is popular in Cornwall.The largest St. Piran’s Day event is the march across the dunes to St. Piran’s cross which 100s of people attend, generally dressed in black, white and gold, and carry the Cornish flag. Daffodils also feature in celebrations in Truro.
Saint Clare of Assisi  (1194-1253)  Feast day   11th August

Saint Clare of Assisi (1194-1253) Feast day 11th August

Saint Clare was an Italian saint and one of the first followers of St. Francis of Assisi. He inspired her to form the Order of Poor Ladies - a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition. Aged 12 her parents wanted her to marry a young wealthy man. She protested and sought the help of Francis. On 20th March 1212 she had her hair cut short and had her rich gown replaced by a plain robe. Cutting her hair was a symbolic act showing she was no longer bound by the laws of man or society but rather she followed the will of God, She was then placed with Benedictine nuns in San Paula, near Bastia. Her parents and Monaldo- Clare’s uncle and head of the family, did not accept willingly what had happened. Catarina, her sister, who changed her name to Agnes, joined her. - this caused a tremendous uproar. They finally relented when Clare threw aside her veil to reveal her cropped hair that they left her in peace. ( For more detail read* Life in the convent*) The sisters remained with the Benedictines until a small dwelling was built next to the church of San Damiano. Their lives consisted of manual labour and prayer. The nuns were barefoot, slept on the ground, ate no meat and observed almost complete silence.town of Assisi were attacked For a short time the order was directed by Francis. In 1216 Clare reluctantly accepted the role of abbess at San Damiano. Clare was a shy person and did not like giving orders and referred to herself as a mother, handmaid or servant rather than an abbess, She took care of Francis during his final illness (he died in1226). 1240/1 the monastery at San Damiano and the town of Assisi attacked and successfully defended as Clare prayed to Christ, present in the Blessed Sacrament. Clare wrote the rules for Rule of Life which meant they followed a rule of strict poverty. This was the first set of monastic guidelines written by a woman. In her later years she had a long period of poor health. She died on11th August 1253 at the age of 59, one day having her Rule approved by Pope Innocent 1V. Her last words, to herself, are reported to be Go forth in peace, for you have followed the good road. Go forth without fear, for He who created you has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. Blessed be You, O God, for having created me. After her death the order was renamed the Order of Saint Clare. (Read Legacy) Source Wikipedia
Martin Chemnitz (1522-1588) ' The second Martin Luther'

Martin Chemnitz (1522-1588) ' The second Martin Luther'

Martin was an eminent second generation German, Evangelical Lutheran, Christian theologian, and a protestant reformer, churchman and confessor. He studied under Martin Luther at the University of Wittenberg , Germany. After Luther death (1546) he transfered to the University of Konigsberg (1547-8). A plague caused him to move swiftly to Saafeld. Returned to Konigsberg (1550) to be employed by Albert, Duke of Prussia as the the court librarian.He now applied himself to theological studies with unrestricted access to what was considered one of the finest libraries in Europe. 1553 returned to Wittenberg where he joined the University faculty.in 1554. 1554 ordained and became co-adjutor of Joachim Morlin. 1567 took over as ecclesiastical superintendent when Morlin resigned. 1575/6 helped establish University of Helmstedt. 1577 Formula of Concord - one of the primary authors 1580 Book of Concord:Confessions of the Evangegelical Lutheran Church instrumental in publication ? Examination of the Council of Trent and On the Two natures of Christ 1586 held post for 19 years, until he died. His works demonstrate his ability as a biblical, doctrinal and historical theologian in the orthodox Lutheran tradition. Martin died in Braunschweig aged 65. In the Evangelical Lutheran tradition he is known as Alter Martinus - the Second Martin. Source Wikipedia