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Bible Pathway Adventure's Shop

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Bible Pathway Adventures creates affordable Bible resources to help parents teach their children more about the Bible. We have 25 years teaching experience in the Body of Messiah. For free printable activities, Bible stories, and lesson plans, please visit https://shop.biblepathwayadventures.com.




Bible Pathway Adventures creates affordable Bible resources to help parents teach their children more about the Bible. We have 25 years teaching experience in the Body of Messiah. For free printable activities, Bible stories, and lesson plans, please visit https://shop.biblepathwayadventures.com.
FREEBIE: The Last Supper word search puzzle

FREEBIE: The Last Supper word search puzzle

Looking for a Last Supper resource that will excite and engage your students? They’ll enjoy learning about the last meal Yeshua (Jesus) had with His disciples before the crucifixion with our FREE Last Supper word search puzzle. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ Catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible word search puzzle: The Last Supper (plus answers!) More resources
FREEBIE: The Creation word search puzzle

FREEBIE: The Creation word search puzzle

Looking for a Creation resource that will excite and engage your students? They’ll LOVE learning about the Creation with our FREE Creation Bible word search puzzle. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible word search puzzle: The Creation (plus answers!) Discussion questions More resources
FREEBIE: The Passover word search puzzle

FREEBIE: The Passover word search puzzle

Looking for a Passover activity that will excite and engage your Sabbath and Sunday School students? They’ll LOVE learning about the Passover with our FREE Passover word search puzzle. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible word search puzzle: The Passover (plus answer key!) More resources
FREEBIE: Paul's Shipwreck Bible quiz

FREEBIE: Paul's Shipwreck Bible quiz

Looking for a Paul the Apostle activity that will excite and engage your students? They’ll LOVE learning about the story of Paul’s shipwreck with our FREE Shipwrecked! Bible quiz. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible quiz: Shipwrecked! (plus answers!) More resources
FREEBIE: Red Sea crossing word search puzzle

FREEBIE: Red Sea crossing word search puzzle

Looking for a Red Sea crossing activity that will excite and engage your Sabbath and Sunday School students? They’ll LOVE learning about the Exodus with our FREE Red Sea crossing word search puzzle. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible word search puzzle: Red Sea crossing (plus answer key!) Links to more resources
FREEBIE: The Tabernacle Bible quiz

FREEBIE: The Tabernacle Bible quiz

Looking for a Tabernacle activity that will excite and engage your students? They’ll LOVE learning about the Tabernacle in the wilderness with our FREE Tabernacle Bible quiz. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible quiz: The Tabernacle (plus answers!) More resources
FREEBIE: The Good Samaritan word search puzzle

FREEBIE: The Good Samaritan word search puzzle

Looking for a Bible parable activity that will excite and engage your students? They’ll LOVE learning about the parable of the Good Samaritan with our FREE The Good Samaritan word search puzzle. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible word search puzzle: The Good Samaritan (plus answer key!) More resources
FREEBIE: Esther saves her people Bible quiz

FREEBIE: Esther saves her people Bible quiz

Looking for an Esther resource that will excite and engage your students? They’ll LOVE learning about Esther and the history of Purim with our FREE Esther saves her people Bible quiz. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. What’s Inside? Bible quiz: Esther saves her people (plus answers!) More resources
FREEBIE: Ten Plagues of Egypt word search puzzle

FREEBIE: Ten Plagues of Egypt word search puzzle

Looking for a Ten Plagues resource that will excite and engage your students? They’ll LOVE learning about the Ten Plagues with our FREE Ten Plagues of Egypt Bible word search puzzle. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ Catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible word search puzzle: Ten Plagues of Egypt (plus answers!) More resources
FREEBIE: Birth of the Messiah Bible quiz

FREEBIE: Birth of the Messiah Bible quiz

Looking for a Birth of the Messiah resource that will excite and engage your students? They’ll LOVE learning about the birth of Yeshua (Jesus) with our FREE Birth of the Messiah Bible quiz. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible quiz: Birth of the Messiah (plus answers!) Discussion questions More resources
FREEBIE: Samson Bible quiz

FREEBIE: Samson Bible quiz

Looking for a Samson resource that will excite and engage your students? They’ll LOVE learning the story of Samson with our FREE Samson Bible quiz. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible quiz: Samson (plus answers!) Discussion questions More resources
FREEBIE: Fruit of the Spirit word search puzzle

FREEBIE: Fruit of the Spirit word search puzzle

Looking for a Fruit of the Spirit resource that will excite and engage your students? They’ll LOVE learning about the Fruit of the Spirit with our FREE Fruit of the Spirit Bible word search puzzle. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ Catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible word search puzzle: Fruit of the Spirit (plus answers!) More resources
FREEBIE: Noah's Ark Bible quiz

FREEBIE: Noah's Ark Bible quiz

Looking for a Noah’s Ark resource that will excite and engage your students? They’ll LOVE learning the famous story of Noah’s Ark with our FREE Noah’s Ark Bible quiz. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 6-12, homeschooling, religious education teachers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s Inside? Bible quiz: Noah’s Ark (plus answers!) Discussion questions More resources
FREEBIE: Daniel and the Lions Activity Pack [Beginners]

FREEBIE: Daniel and the Lions Activity Pack [Beginners]

Looking for Daniel and the Lion story activities that will excite and engage your students? Have fun teaching them more about Daniel with this FREE activity pack for kids ages 3-7. Includes three fun printable activities. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 3-7, homeschoolers, and children’s ministry leaders What you’ll get… Connect the dots: Daniel Worksheet: The lion’s den Bible word search puzzle: Thrown to the lions
FREEBIE: Creation story Activity Pack [Beginners]

FREEBIE: Creation story Activity Pack [Beginners]

Looking for Creation story activities that will excite and engage your students? Have fun teaching them more about The Creation with this FREE activity pack for kids ages 3-7. Includes three fun printable activities. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. Who is it for? Kids ages 3-7, homeschoolers, and children’s ministry leaders What’s inside? Bible activity: God created land Worksheet: Day Five Worksheet: S is for seed
D’varim / Deuteronomio: Libro de Actividades con Porciones de la Torá

D’varim / Deuteronomio: Libro de Actividades con Porciones de la Torá

¡Conviértanse en viajeros del tiempo de la Torá a través del estudio de la Biblia! Aquí hay un conjunto maravilloso de recursos para ayudarte a educar a tus estudiantes acerca del Libro de Deuteronomio de una forma divertida e interesante. Contiene 90 páginas de cuestionarios de la Biblia, sopas de letra, páginas para colorear, hojas de ejercicios divertidas y preguntas para discutir que abarcan las once Porciones de Deuteronomio de la Torá. ADEMÁS, referencias detalladas de las escrituras para estudios adicionales de la Biblia y Guía de Respuestas para educadores y padres. Los temas tratados incluyen el Moisés y los Israelitas, Josué, las doce tribus de Israel, la tierra de Canaán (Tierra Prometida) y la Torá. Este Libro de Actividades imprimibles puede ser usado para completar un cuaderno de notas interactivo de la Biblia o como actividades independientes. Puedes usar las Porciones de la Torá en el orden en que las presentamos o como un suplemento a tus actividades de estudios de la Biblia. El recurso perfecto para que los maestros de educación en el hogar, Shabat y escuela dominical y los padres tengan a la mano. Se necesita de muy poca preparación. Simplemente imprime las hojas de actividades que necesitas, ¡y tendrás todo listo! CADA PORCIÓN DE TORAH INCLUYE: Un Cuestionario de Lectura de La Torá Un Cuestionario de Lectura de Uno De Los Profetas Un Cuestionario de Lectura de Un Apóstol Una Sopa de Letras De La Torá Una Hoja de Trabajo Divertida (4 Actividades) Una Pregunta Bíblica Y Una Actividad Para Colorear Hoja de Trabajo De Preguntas de Reflexión EL LIBRO DE ACTIVIDADES INCLUYE: D’varim (Deuteronomio 1:1-3:22) Va’etjanan (Deuteronomio 3:23-7:11) Eikev (Deuteronomio 7:12-11:25 ) Re’eh (Deuteronomio 11:26-16:17) Shoftim (Deuteronomio 16:18-21:9) Ki Teitzei (Deuteronomio 21:10-25:19) Ki Tavo (Deuteronomio 26:1-29:8) Nitzavim (Deuteronomio 29:9-30:20) Vayelej (Deuteronomio 31:1-30) Ha’azinu (Deuteronomio 32:1-52) V’Zot HaBerajah (Deuteronomio 33:1-34:12)
Libro de Actividades de 100 Cuestionarios de la Biblia (100 Bible Quizzes) (SPANISH)

Libro de Actividades de 100 Cuestionarios de la Biblia (100 Bible Quizzes) (SPANISH)

¿Necesitas ayuda para enseñarles a tus estudiantes acerca de la Biblia? Nuestro Libro de Actividades de 100 Cuestionarios de la Biblia imprimibles contiene una mezcla de 100 Cuestionarios de la Biblia del Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, además de referencias detalladas de las escrituras para lecturas adicionales de la Biblia y una Guía de Respuestas para los maestros. El recurso perfecto para que los padres y maestros de educación en casa y clases de Shabat y escuela dominical tengan a la mano. No se necesita de mucha preparación. ¡Simplemente imprime los cuestionarios que necesitas y tendrás todo listo! ¿PARA QUIÉN ES? Niños de 7-14 años de edad Estudiantes Visuales Educadores en el hogar Niños de los Líderes del Ministerio
Bereschit / 1. Mose Übungsbuch (Genesis Torah Portion Activity Book)

Bereschit / 1. Mose Übungsbuch (Genesis Torah Portion Activity Book)

Werdet Thora-Zeitreisende durch das Bibelstudium! Bereschit / 1. Mose Übungsbuch wurde entwickelt, um messianischen Kindern im Alter von 7-12 Jahren zu helfen, auf unterhaltsame und ansprechende Weise etwas über die Thora zu lernen. Es enthält über 100 Seiten Bibelquiz, Rätsel, Malvorlagen, Arbeitsblätter und Diskussionsfragen, die die zwölf Thora-Abschnitte vom 1. Buch Mose umfassen. Außerdem enthält es detaillierte Literaturhinweise für das einfache Nachschlagen von Bibelversen und eine Antwortenliste für Lehrer und Eltern. Dieses Bereschit / 1. Mose Übungsbuch enthält: 12 Thora–Abschnitte Einheiten im PDF-format (8,5" x 11"), darunter Bereschit, Noach, Lech-Lecha, Wajera, Chaje Sara, Toledot, Wajeze, Wajischlach, Wajeschew, Mikez, Wajigasch und Wajechi Bereschit Wöchentliche Thora-Abschnitte Studienführer Eine hebräische Alphabet-Tabelle im PDF-format (8,5" x 11") Detaillierte Literaturhinweise für die einfache Suche nach Bibelversen Originelle Illustrationen von Bible Pathway Adventures Eine Antwortenliste für Eltern und Lehrer. Für wen ist es bestimmt? Kinder im Alter von 7-12 Jahren, Visuell Lernende, Homeschooling – Unterricht zu Hause, Kindergottesdienstmitarbeiter
FREEBIE: Joseph Activity Pack

FREEBIE: Joseph Activity Pack

Looking for a Joseph Bible lesson that will excite and engage your students? Have fun teaching them about Joseph with our FREE printable Joseph activity pack. Plus, a Bible Pathway Adventures’ catalog. What you’ll get… Bible quiz: Joseph’s coat Worksheet: The traders Coloring worksheet: A special meal Answer key for teachers
The Life of Joseph Activity Book

The Life of Joseph Activity Book

Joseph is given a special coat as a sign of his father’s love. Filled with jealousy, Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery. After years in prison, Joseph rises to power and becomes the powerful governor of Egypt. Never in their wildest dreams could Joseph’s brothers have imagined their younger brother would become Pharaoh’s advisor. Can Joseph’s faith help him overcome his past and forgive his brothers? Students will LOVE learning about Joseph and the ancient Israelites with our Life of Joseph Activity Book for kids ages 6-12. Includes detailed lesson plans, fun worksheets, coloring pages, puzzles and crafts to help educators just like you teach children a Biblical faith. PLUS, scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up and an answer key for teachers and parents. Very little teacher prep needed. Just PRINT-AND-GO! Children will discover… Where Jacob and his family lived in Biblical times Why Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt How Joseph helped Pharaoh understand his dreams How Joseph became a ruler of Egypt Why Joseph’s brothers traveled to Egypt How Joseph tested his brothers with a silver cup Archaeological evidence that shows that Hebrews lived in ancient Egypt Why Pharaoh told Josephs family to move to Egypt, and much more! What you’ll get… FIVE teacher lesson plans, including Joseph the Dreamer, Sold into Slavery, The Dreaming Pharaoh, The Silver Cup, and Joseph and His Family 90+ fun activity pages in pdf format (8.5” x 11”) Original Bible Pathway Adventures® illustrations Detailed scripture references for easy Bible verse look-up Answer Key for teachers and parents BONUS: Twelve sons of Israel banners, and an illustrated Sold into Slavery Bible story you can download for free